Performance Consulting


Leave No Stone Unturned

Our in-person or virtual performance consulting offers the most comprehensive, in-depth approach to unlocking the next level in your game.

This could involve finally overcoming the nagging pain you’ve played with for years, unlocking restricted movement patterns so you hit the ball harder and more consistently, customizing your recovery so you can train at a higher level all season long, or any other aspect that will give you a higher ceiling.


Putting an end to chronic injuries

Tired of simply trying to manage and put band-aids on your recurring injuries?

How much better could you play if nagging shoulder, back, or knee pain wasn’t always holding you back?

Most athletes accept that chronic stiffness and pain is the price of playing high performance volleyball - but this doesn’t have to be normal!

While most rehabilitation and treatments are focused on managing your symptoms so you can stay on court (an important first step), our approach blends our background in movement science, the physiology of recovery, and on-court technique to develop a clear picture of why your body is breaking down in the first place - and what to do to stop this process.


Move beyond limitations

Simply being free of pain doesn’t mean that your body is moving as well as it could be.

Once your body is out of “survival” mode, we can start expanding the ways that your body can thrive in the weight room and on-court.

These are some of the most fun sessions when we start to see the big picture of how a limitation in one area of your body can be holding you back from mastering the technical skill you’ve been working on.

From this global perspective we can make profound changes to how your body is able to perform all your on-court skills, simply by uncovering weak links that you may not have known even existed.


Bridging the gap from the gym to the court

When your body starts to move completely differently, the potential for how you execute your on-court technical skills transforms as well.

Sometimes this transition happens naturally in your practices if you have a lot of opportunity to be deliberate about your technique.

In other cases, technique might be one of the weakest links, requiring more on-court attention. At this point we’ll work with you on-court to bring your movement improvements into a new arena.


Consulting Packages

  • • Start with a 15 min free consulting call to learn more about you and set up what a session will look like.

    • Completely customized workouts,injury management, and wellnesscoaching

    • Comprehensive assessment andcoaching video call to get started

    • 45 mincoaching video call to continuously refine the training program, problem-solve through challenges, and offer greater support.

    • Video analysis and coaching for jumping patterns, arm swingtechnique, and volleyball skills.

    • Program progressions with regularcheck ins and unlimited support via the AWA app

    • Best for athletes wanting something more customized thanArm Swing Essentials, with a focus ongetting/staying out of pain, improving volleyball performance, and mastering recovery.

    Virtual Performance Consulting is $149 +gst per session

  • • Start with a 15 min free consulting call to learn more about you and set up what a session will look like.

    • 1-2 hour session (Time details determined in consulting call)

    • This initial session is all about assessment and figuring out what works best to create lasting change.

    • We look at strengths, weaknesses, and imbalances in quality of movement, capacity and performance measures, as well as review video footage of applicable on-court skills.

    • Once we uncover the best starting point, we begin to make changes with hands on treatments, and movement re-patterning, always coming back to the assessments to see the immediate changes.

    • This approach allows faster integration of a new pattern and an easier transition into your season moving forward.

    In person sessions are available in Edmonton, AB, Canada or Vancouver, BC, Canada or with a special arrangement elsewhere.

    Prices are customized for each case.


“At the end of last semester my mind and my body were falling apart. I was experiencing shoulder weakness, pain in both knees, residual nerve discomfort from my back surgery, and a stressed and anxious mind. I am now hitting the ball harder than I ever have, jumping like I was before back surgery, and recovering quicker and more efficiently than ever.

Nick is a guru on all things “body” and he has helped me with my mindset, my nutrition, and my sleep. He was instrumental in ensuring I was able to compete at a high level with my body AND with my mind. Nick provides workout plans, warm up routines, and recovery programs; because of this I am pain free before, during, and after practice.”

Jesse Elser, Outside, Team Canada-NextGen and Trinity Western Spartans


See how we are changing athlete performance

  • In order to get the maximum benefit from these in-depth sessions, we recommend athletes have a minimum of 2 years of competitive volleyball experience, at least 1 year of experience in the weight room, and a motivated, self-directed personality.

    Before that, our virtual coaching can usually create just as significant of results, at a lower cost to you - however there are always exceptions!

  • These longer in person sessions offer the most in-depth analysis into how your body impacts your performance. After a thorough assessment of lifestyle, movement patterns, and specific strength and power tests, we start to work on the biggest priorities for change. This can include hands-on treatment, movement training, loaded exercises, and even on-court technical skill training.

    The comprehensive sessions are designed to show immediate improvements and unlock layer after layer of limitations and dysfunction. You will leave feeling fundamentally different, and with a detailed plan of how to move forward and continue making changes.

  • Some athlete we work with we see weekly, monthly or a few times a year. There is no set formula for exactly how often to do sessions with us, however we find that transitions and breaks in your season prove an excellent time to create changes and achieve your goals. Additionally, anytime you’re feeling stuck and unable to see improvements with your current training or treatments, a session can be very useful.

    In between sessions, you’ll receive programming for continuing to make progress and peeling back more layers on your own.

  • Definitely. Many of our athletes are on strength programs from their teams all year round, but also work with us all year round to keep improving and maintaining their body’s ability to move freely and without pain.

    We make sure everything is working smoothly so you can use all of the strength and power you’re building without restriction and without breaking down.


What athletes are saying